Sunday, May 26, 2013

Bubblews Review: Scam or Not

Is Bubblews a Scam?

UPDATE- 1/9/15:

Bubblews has not turned scam but has turned into an incredibly slow payer. There is some talk by admins that they have some new updates in store for the site but many people have left the site because of poor communication and payment issues. Please note that I have been paid several times by this site and have a pending payment from December so I know that they have been a solid payer in the past.

Bubblews is still a new concept, a social network that pays its users for content and help in building the site. Can you imagine if Facebook had done that? More than Zuckerberg and the founders would have gotten paid! And I do believe that the Bubblews founders are creative and innovative but at this point, it can be looked at as a site to go to, post on, find some new connections and have fun with! The site continues its fight against spammer and provide a network that values and respects its users.

I'm afraid that the chickens have come home to roost on this one!


What is Bubblews? 

Bubblews is a Social Blogging Platform

 Bubblews is an innovative blogging platform that shares its revenue stream with its honest users. What defines honest user? Honest users are those who follow the rules and do not engage in questionable blogging practices. The most basic of rules are:

 1) Do not copy from the internet. In other words, do not plagiarize anything. This is a big problem here and is one of the main reasons why members in large droves do not get paid.

2) This is not a site for you to gain or drive traffic for your affiliate sites or programs. If you engage in this practice, you will not be paid!

Many of the members called bubblers write tips and tutorials to help newbies and others learn and perfect the ropes. Here are a few of my tutorials that may help you get started and get you on a path toward earning: 

The people who call Bubblews a scam have not gotten paid because they have not followed the terms and the rules. These standards are not recommendations, they are the truth! Don't follow and you will not get paid! The comprehensive guidelines for Bubblews can be found here:

Is Bubblews a scam?
Absolutely not!

Can you get paid?  

How much do I have to pay before I can start?
Nothing and there are no monthly fees!
100% Free!

Why pay to learn how to blog? You don't have to....start here:

Happy Bubbling! Enjoy!

Become a part of something special! Bubblews

Bubblews is the best FREE social blogging platform on the planet!

Where else can you get paid to blog and paid to be you?
Join us if you can follow directions and are ready to finally start making money on the internet!

Bubblews is the first site to combine the social aspects of a network plus provide a platform to blog. 

Come join us and share little area or bubble of the world!

Get paid to be you with your unique perspective!

How does it get any better than that?

Join today!


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bubblews: Changing the Way We Interact and Make Money Online

Bubblews is Rocking the Internet

Changing the Way We Interact and Earn Online

Bubblews is truly changing the way we share, learn and earn online!
If you want to learn how to start writing and /or blogging online, then Bubblews is the place to be.

It is pushing the envelope on what it means to be creative.....
Are you a writer, a blogger, an artist, a doodler or someone just looking to share and earn online

Bubblews has something to offer you!
It is the first of its kind to offer REAL revenue sharing with all of its members!

Are you ready to learn how you can become a part of a community than is bar none, like no other online....
Check out some of my hottest posts on


A Blogging Platform and a Social Network:

1) Bubblews Surprise and payment Update:

2) Bubblews Success-1 Connections

3) Start Blogging with Bubblews

Join us in this awesome community and start sharing your world!
All of us have the potential to be great, to share our thoughts
 and our dreams and grow into the best version of ourselves that we can!
Sharing on Bubblews can help you earn and grow beyond your wildest dreams! 

Are you ready to finally join a site that is willing to pay you to be you!
Start here and share your little piece of the bubble that makes the world go round!