Monday, October 24, 2011

A Series of Questions.........

This blog has been sitting in my mind and now it's time for it to manifest from brain to page to reader.

I am currently in love with a set of tools that have been developed by Gary Douglas. For more detailed information, please visit

One of the tenets of his remarkable philosophy or way of living or being is to learn how to live in the question. We are taught in this reality, in society that we have to figure things out, pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and become self-made persons of grandeur. Well guess what, the masses fail at this concept and most of those so-called "self-made" individuals have gained valuable help, insights and ideas from many people and places all along their journey.

Today, I want to begin a series of questions to help you think and engage with the universe, with God, with your higher source or being. The best thing about all of these questions is that you do not have to come up with the answers. You are to ask and just learn to receive by letting go. Most of us are not well-trained in the art of receiving. We learn how to give and give and give. We learn how to squelch our own spirits, not get too excited (just in case). We grow up and continue to perpetuate this self-limiting belief, always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I am on a journey to live outside of the box and in the question.....

I can't help but start with a question that I read today.

What can I do for more magic to show up in my life? What is magical about me right now? What is right about the magic that is me?

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