Monday, June 16, 2014

Learn More!!!! Write, Blog or Share Only Site-UPDATED!


NO Longer Recommended for Earnings!
Little Pay is Long and Slow!

Writing and Sharing Site Only!

Stuart Miles via

Learn more about my favorite social blogging platform where you can get paid for writing your world!

I have included a page of tips so you can start earning online today and have no more excuses!

Here's the page link for your convenience!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

2 "Must Join" Survey Sites

Photo Courtesy: Stuart Miles via

The two survey sites that all online earners should have in their repertoire. They are free to join and it's easy to reach cash out. I have been apart of many and have recently been in a bit of skirmish with one of my favorite ones but at the end of the day, I have 2 that have been left standing: meaning no drama and easy payments.

Surveys are things you can do while at home, watching tv or a movie, basically while chilling. If you are interested in free and easy cash, add these 2 sites to your repertoire TODAY!

So Savvy: One of the Oldest and One of the Best!

Give your Opinion Below for Free:

Friday, June 13, 2014

Payment Proof!

Pay Proof: This Site Pays! Photo Owned by Beaufly: All Rights Reserved!

I have been discussing the opportunities that are available with theater checking. I have written about 2 additional tasks that are easy that you can do to earn even more side cash:

1) Audience Response: Report the audience response to a trailer.

2) Lobby Checks: Look for signage in the lobby.

To find out more about my experiences, go here:

Theater Work Updates:

Pay Proof:

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Watch Movies for Free this Summer!

Photo Courtesy: digitalart via

Just completed a series on how to get paid doing theater checks. If you're a movie buff, then this work is for you. I conducted a little experiment to see how these type of side gigs work. Basically, the theater work consists of checking for the correct trailers that are shown before specific features, looking for specific signage in the lobby and near the box office. You may be asked to count patrons, or check for specific ads or gain box office information at the end of the day.

I wrote 3 specific posts that will give you the information about where to sign up and how it worked out for me completing a Trailer Check for a theater near me.

Theater Checking: Sign Up:

Theater Checking: The Trailer Check:

Theater Checking: Questions:

If you love going to the movies, doing these types of side gigs can easily pay for your time there. Please note that you are paid for the work so if you decide to do some Theater Checks, you are paid from the company after the work is submitted (takes a couple of weeks to get your pay) so it's more like getting reimbursed for the money you spent going to the movies.

Sound interesting?  Check out the posts and sign up!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sell Books and Get Paid!

Photo Courtesy: Stuart Miles via

Just wanted to add an update here regarding selling books online.

I have been going through, organizing and getting rid of "no longer needed by me" books. I have decided to keep the books I love and get rid of the rest.

So far, I've been using book scouter to get several estimates to sell to the highest bidder. I wrote more about how to make a fast $50 right here!

Not only have I had success with using this free service but I also won a $100 Visa GC from being automatically entered into a contest on one of the book seller sites. What a surprising and wonderful bonus. I have added some banners for one of the booksellers because they offer free affiliate networks (meaning if some of my visitors click on a link or banner and sell some books then I will earn a small 5% incentive for sending the new traffic and book sellers their way). You, too can sell books and become an affiliate as well!

Check out this great site that runs monthly contests and will buy your books, give you bonuses and offer a free affiliate program:

Textbook buyback at

Make sure to enter their contests as you could be the next winner as well!

The newest promotion is this one: Sell 3 or more books and get 5% Bonus Cash!

Enjoy and let me know how it goes!

Textbook buyback at

Friday, April 25, 2014

Share Love, Give Love, Be Love

Photo Courtesy: worradmu via

Sharing some of my inspirational posts that I have written on Bubblews. 


Because I believe that we are all on a mission of some sorts and I believe that I am on a mission for love….

What are you on a mission for? What are you seeking or what is seeking you?

If you are looking for a platform for writing, for sharing and for earning, read the post and join below:

4 of My Favorite Inspirational Posts:

Every Second, Every Moment: A Meditation:

The Mission is You:

Proceed with Love, Spread Joy and Live Fully:

What Made You Smile Today?:

Monday, April 14, 2014

It Works if You Work It: Vindale Contests Pay Off!

Here's a brief update on my earnings from Vindale:

$5.00 came in from a referral!

I promote this site because I believe it to be an easy entry point for people who want to earn online!

To get credit for referrals, they must join and complete 1 survey!

$2.00: March Newsletter Question was worth $2.

I like answering their poll and contest questions and they have many types. I also like seeing my friends win for the Image Contests. There is a current insect questionnaire where you submit a photo of an image. The community votes on it and you could win……many people I know have won……so it's not a far fetched thing!

Won 2 poll questions, this week brings in another buck ($1):

These are easy questions that take a minute or two to answer. Visit the blog, answer the question and get on with your day. It works if you work it!

Vindale is truly more than surveys, get in and start earning today:


A little work on the side can go a long way to create a new income stream! Gird up and build up!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Count Them on your Pretty Hands and Pretty Feet!

"Count your blessings. 
Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage and confidence."
 Og Mandino

2 Sites That Actually Pay

2 Survey Sites that ACTUALLY Pay!

Photo Courtesy: Stuart Miles via

More and more people continue to join and earn with these sites.

They're called survey sites and they DO actually pay you for your opinion.

The issue is that they are not all created equal.

The most important thing is to NOT PAY for these sites to get started.

Please be weary of any site that asks you for money before you do anything.

Now, mind you, I am not talking about blogging or wordpress, or purchasing a domain or anything like that…..That is a much different ballgame!

There are still survey sites that I participate on, why?

Low time cost? Product reviews-you get to try them at home? Can do them when I am otherwise idle (at home).

Here's my recommendations for survey sites that are worth joining and worth your time……which is truly valuable!

Will send you checks in the mail (yes, snail mail) for anything over $1:

Pays at $50 threshold, lots of surveys, find the ones that work for you:

Your Time is Valuable:

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3 Kindness Resources

Stop, Drop and Be Kind!

Photo Courtesy:

I really believe that we are moving in a chaotic direction and lately (over the past year), I have been thinking about 2 things a lot: kindness and compassion.

Are we as a society, becoming meaner?

Are we operating more from judgment than compassion?

Here are a few postings where I am considering these issues:

Just Choose Kindness:

Kindness Counts:

Simply Beautiful:

Start Social Blogging and start earning here:

Canva - Awesome Image Creation and Editing!

Awesome Resource for Photo Editing!


I just found a great site that I wanted to share with you called Canva! It helps and allow you to create wonderful and original post images (and so much more) for your website or blog. 

You can use their free templates or use their inexpensive images to create more, it's up to you but you can start using this free resource for free today!

Monday, March 17, 2014

"Man often becomes
what he
himself to
~Mahatma Gandhi

A Selfless Post Gone Wrong…WTF?

A Selfless Post:
Well I Didn't Expect This….

artur84 via

I can be so dense. I was basically insulted on my favorite social blogging site and did not even know it. Someone wrote a rebuttal post. No, they didn't call it that and I read their post before I read their response on my post.

The post in question was me wondering about "selfless acts." Now, I was talking (my own personal thoughts) about walking, talking, being and negotiating the world with love. Trying to be able to give without expectation….now, I don't think this is a huge problem for me but I do think our expectations come out in different ways like excepting behaviors to change or for people to act in certain ways.

Well, I guess all of this got misconstrued to someone thinking that I was supporting abusive relationships, that we should not expect common decency in relationships. I, in no way ever support abuse of any kind. This post was my walk with being more loving and giving, not anyone's interactions in a relationship.

Please read the post and see if I wasn't clear. Wow, some things truly make you go WOW!

My Post:

Learn more about Social Blogging here:

stockimages via

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Could You or I be the 100th Monkey?

The Hundredth Monkey Philosophy
by Ken Keyes

Wouldn't it be amazing if growth was developed and nurtured from within communities and developed like wildfire globally, allowing for a major positive shift in the good for all? The hundredth monkey represents a tipping point so to speak, when an action creates a transformation in an entire species. 

I wrote a brief post wondering if any one of us in a given time could be seen or looked at as the hundredth monkey. Could you or I be that hundredth monkey?

Enjoy more here:

Ready to Start Social Blogging, 
Start Here: 

Photo Courtesy: akarakingdoms via

UPDATE 3/16/14

I have decided to use this space to highlight inspirational information, posts, quotes, etc…. as well as update some tips for all of you who are interested in social blogging.

I will also be thinking about starting my own blog and will offer my ponderings about that here as well.

Please feel free to ask, questions, leave comments and any other helpful information that may benefit others. Thanks!

"Let this be a
reminder that
we all can be
something better."
~ Craig Finn

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Social Blogging for Beginners: Bubblews Still Works

Social Blogging for Beginners: Bubblews Still Works

Time to get back to this blog, it's been way too long, it's also crystal clear why these actions are needed.  When it's time to grow, you must begin to move. Move in the direction of your dreams!

I wonder if it's time for a new perspective!

kerrati via

Today was a sad day on one of my favorite sites. One of my posts was deleted. Bam, without warning or notice, just deleted by admin. 


Was it because I was raising my voice to help friends who had left the site?

Was it because I was mentioning redemptions and issues that people were having on the site as well as for some who left the site?

Was it because I was giving a voice to those who were/are feeling voiceless?

I am really not sure but what I do know is that it drives home a major point for me. 

1) You need to have your own blog so that you retain creative control.

I am mostly unhappy right now because the post was starting to generate a lot of good dialogue and it was really promoting the idea of community. I believe the community really lost out today!

My Response to the Deleted Post:

This site was once a true community in so many aspects of the word. 

For now, it is, just not the same but still worthy of helping individuals learn the ropes and get into the habit of writing and blogging!

Do I still recommend this site as a way to start social blogging?  Sure, but be careful, read the rules and the terms and don't try anything out the box.

More info, can be gleaned here:

UPDATE 3/16/2014:

The above post (I'm Sad and I'm Censored) was also deleted but I don't care because the site continues to pay. I just won't be sharing community-spirited posts in the way that I did. Bubblews does NOT want any type of questionable comments or posts about them, or people not getting paid. Although I didn't post anything wrong, the comments began to soar about the problems that people were having. I will begin posting here questionable behaviors that could get you on the "no-pay" list. Follow the rules, read the terms and ask me questions (or others you may meet on the site). Be careful because they will put accounts up for deletion as well as remove posts that they have deemed as questionable. It is still paying and is still a good site, especially for beginner bloggers, writers and anywhere the dollar is strong (Philippines, India, etc…..)