Monday, March 17, 2014

A Selfless Post Gone Wrong…WTF?

A Selfless Post:
Well I Didn't Expect This….

artur84 via

I can be so dense. I was basically insulted on my favorite social blogging site and did not even know it. Someone wrote a rebuttal post. No, they didn't call it that and I read their post before I read their response on my post.

The post in question was me wondering about "selfless acts." Now, I was talking (my own personal thoughts) about walking, talking, being and negotiating the world with love. Trying to be able to give without expectation….now, I don't think this is a huge problem for me but I do think our expectations come out in different ways like excepting behaviors to change or for people to act in certain ways.

Well, I guess all of this got misconstrued to someone thinking that I was supporting abusive relationships, that we should not expect common decency in relationships. I, in no way ever support abuse of any kind. This post was my walk with being more loving and giving, not anyone's interactions in a relationship.

Please read the post and see if I wasn't clear. Wow, some things truly make you go WOW!

My Post:

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