Tuesday, November 22, 2011

One of My Favorites: Wayne Dyer! Always inspirational!

Have you seen The Shift?
Take a Peek......

This is a great movie to see for you and your family..

Check out how you can be transformed below....



Saturday, November 5, 2011

Inspiration from one of my SHeroes

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

- Harriet Tubman

Where are you finding inspiration?

Seems like lately, I'm finding inspiration everywhere. Even that word, "inspiration" makes me tingle. I'll have to get into the etymology of the word during another blog post!

I was also musing over and toying with the idea about 
how much money is made off of people's misery,
off of people not being good enough. Let's think about some of these industries...

the beauty business
the health (including weight-loss/gain) industry
the self-help industry
Dental: are your teeth ever going to be white or straight enough??????
Medicine (OK, I am talking about traditional medicines and pharmaceuticals. 
Pardon me, I also know that many people would not like to 
look at the medical field as a business, but
I beg to differ and feel free to comment
and we can debate this topic in another blog post)
Child Welfare: I have a friend who is fighting
for her life right now, just to see, be, spend time with her
children (and no she is not a child molester or violent;
her biggest issue right now is poverty)
Natural health food, tonics, potions, lotions, etc.....
 not to imply, it's all no good but check out the 
slick marketing and advertising
and we all know that this list could go 
on and on and on to infinity.......
It's just incredible to consider.......
What are you buying? 
Or let me say it a bit differently, 
What are you buying into?
How does all of this  external programming affect your life?
OK, I went off on a little tangent....It's one of my specialties
 that I am known for them.....lol
Yes, back to my initial point....

Today, I was inspired by one of my e-mails and here's a bit of it here for you to savor..............

I don't believe in "self improvement."

To believe in self improvement, you must first believe
there is something wrong that needs improving.
When people believe they are flawed, the natural
reaction is to start searching, searching, searching
for whatever is "missing"...
Looking for answers, happiness and meaning "out there."
Here's my message today:
Nothing outside you can solve your problems.
If there was an external "fix" for life - there would
be no sad, stressed out or depressed rich folks.
(check out the tabloids to see what I mean)
The good news is that you were born with all the
resources you need in order to be happy, wealthy,
Maybe you've heard that before. Or maybe not.
And I know that can be hard to swallow when you feel in
lack, or lonely, or depressed. When you can't pay your
bills, or you hate your job.
But the breakthrough can happen in an instant.
It happens to people I talk to every day.
There's a flash of inspiration - and suddenly you are
CLEAR, you're taking action and things start to happen
without effort.
And when your life changes overnight, it's not because
you siddenly "improved" yourself.
No, it's an internal shift.
It happens when you "align" yourself.
It's the moment when your conscious desires line up
with your natural unconscious power to manifest - and
any conflicts and counter-intentions you have instantly dissolve.
There's a release of power that sends energy up and
down your body and you KNOW something has shifted.
That's the power of "alignment".

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Inspiration from Michelle Phillips

"...the word unique means that only one object exists with certain properties. You are indeed unique because there is only one of you. No one else on Earth has your exact combination of beauty, passion, and drive."

What is inspiring you today?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dr. Dain of Access Consciousness-- Tip of the Day!

I thought I would share this great tip for shifting or shaking up your thinking for today........
How about asking the universe to show you something beautiful today? You might be
surprised what your eyes open up to or what you actually see.........

Check out his video here:

Monday, October 31, 2011

Gary Douglas: How does it get any better?

How does it get any better than this?

This question keeps me out of conclusion and looking for the
"one and only answer."
How about being open to receiving more?
How about being open to receiving something different?
How does it get any better than that?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Gary Douglas, Founder of Access

What else is possible?

Asking this question every time you encounter or receive anything shifts 
you into a totally different energetic flow......
at least it did for me,
try it for yourself!!!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Repeat the Mantra and see what happens! Can't Hurt!

Repeat this Mantra!

All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory....
10x in the morning and 
10x in the evening! 
See what shows up!!

The difference between a mantra and an affirmation

A mantra is accepting all that is and can show up! Good, Bad and All!

An affirmation is repeating a statement of something that may not be tangible but 
you want to be tangible! 
You are trying to accept or convince yourself of something 
that is not yet here for you in the 

How about no more affirming? How about what is right about you right now? 
What is right about you that you are not getting?

Friday, October 28, 2011

You are Magic!!!!!! You are the Idea that You Created!

What if everything was possible? What if you could be, do and have everything you ever wanted? What if you could be you & change the world?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What inspires you?

What inspires you?
What stirs you?
What catapults you to want to do great things?
I am inspired by so many things.....
By God,
By the belief that I am suppose to be here doin PHENOMENAL things
Where did that come from?
I call it God. You may say universe, higher source, higher power...........
All of those things encompass God to me!
By nature,
By music,
By beauty,
By wisdom,
By words,
By works,
By the innocence of babies,
By the repentance of man,
By Love........
By my mother
who never gave up...................
By my kids.......
By my sister....
By my brothers.......
By Cheryl.......
By Yahsmooth........
By Dumpling and
so many others.........
too many to count............

Most currently.....
By Access Consciousness.....
that keeps me asking questions.........
What inspires you to be the contribution to the world,
to yourself,
 to your family,
to the WORLD
to the PLANET
that you are meant to be..........

What are you choosing?

Choice trumps everything.........
What do you want your life to be?
Have you ever thought about that?
What are you choosing in this moment right now?

What contribution do you choose to be in the world?
What contribution do you choose to be to you?
What do you choose?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Are you willing??

Are you a willing receiver? Are you willing to receive everything....the good, the bad, everything????? In Access, the mantra (notice not an affirmation.....I will cover this in another post) is, 
"All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory." 
This statement does not just say only the good or only the positive but "All of life," everything........are you willing to receive all of life with ease, joy and glory.........if so, you may be on your way to be willing to receive all that life has to offer.........and then some.........How does it get any better than that?

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. - It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!

You Have the Power to Change Your Life!!!!!!

What if life is suppose to be fun?

What would life be like if we all allowed ourselves to have more fun? How can I receive more fun today? What if life was suppose to be fun? What can I be or do to create more fun in my life today?

Having fun in Prater

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Series of Questions.........

This blog has been sitting in my mind and now it's time for it to manifest from brain to page to reader.

I am currently in love with a set of tools that have been developed by Gary Douglas. For more detailed information, please visit accessconsciousness.com.

One of the tenets of his remarkable philosophy or way of living or being is to learn how to live in the question. We are taught in this reality, in society that we have to figure things out, pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and become self-made persons of grandeur. Well guess what, the masses fail at this concept and most of those so-called "self-made" individuals have gained valuable help, insights and ideas from many people and places all along their journey.

Today, I want to begin a series of questions to help you think and engage with the universe, with God, with your higher source or being. The best thing about all of these questions is that you do not have to come up with the answers. You are to ask and just learn to receive by letting go. Most of us are not well-trained in the art of receiving. We learn how to give and give and give. We learn how to squelch our own spirits, not get too excited (just in case). We grow up and continue to perpetuate this self-limiting belief, always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I am on a journey to live outside of the box and in the question.....

I can't help but start with a question that I read today.

What can I do for more magic to show up in my life? What is magical about me right now? What is right about the magic that is me?

Friday, October 21, 2011

What if...........???????

What if we began to ask ourselves questions that allowed us to open up and grow? 
Have you ever noticed that the little voices in our heads 
are constantly nagging, bugging, criticizing or judging us?
What if we could turn that around?
What if we are really what we have been looking for?
What if we could control our thoughts and open up to allowing?
What if we stopped trying to figure everything out, 
stopped trying to control and opened up to the possibilities of life? 
How can life get any better than that?
I am on a new journey of opening myself to the fullness of the life that I came here to be.
It all started when I first heard Rikka, a  facilitator from Access Consciousness. 
One of the key ideas of Access is that you already have all of the answers to your own life. 
After all, who knows you better than you? 
What if you began asking questions like, "Who does this belong to" 
to every thought that enters into your head?
What if you began to ask yourself, "What is right about me that I'm not getting"
How would your life change?
What new discoveries and insights could you receive about you?
Let me ask you, 
How does it get any better than that?

What is Access Consciousness?
Access Consciousness is a set of tools and techniques developed by Gary Douglass
in an effort to help you release yourself from judging both yourself and others
and open yourself up to all of the possibilities and awareness of the world. 
I ask again,
How does it get any better than that?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Here's to the Crazy Ones..........

"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”— Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

Are you one of the crazy ones?
Are you one of the ones who knows that life can be bigger, juicier and more joyous?
Are you one of the ones ready to make a difference?
To do something different to guarantee a different result?

These are the people that I am looking for! 
These are the people that I want to work with and
surround myself with?
Are you one of the few?
Are you ready for change?
Join me here:


Friday, October 7, 2011

"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way 
I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.
You are already naked. 
There is no reason not to follow your heart. 
Stay hungry. 
Stay foolish."
Steve Jobs

Monday, October 3, 2011

Get Paid While You Sleep!

Ok, how does it get any better than this???????

I got paid while I slept........the Daily Income Network pays (period).......

Here's a little recent (sleep) proof:

Ready to Learn and Start:

Train Today and Get Paid Tomorrow!!!
You can do it!

Join ZNZ One Direct and Promote and Earn $20/referral:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

You Are Amazing!!!!

Did you know that you are truly amazing.....just the way you are? Not when you get rich! Not when you lose weight! But right now, just the way you are.....because you are!!!!!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Wake Up!

"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." 
-- Dale Carnegie
Need some inspiration, start here to make a change today: 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why You Don't Get What You Want?

You Get What You Expect

"The majority have been programmed from their past experience to expect (physical) 
decline. And while it is something they don't want, they are programmed to expect it. And 
so, they're going to get what they expect. It's not that what they expect is the reality that 
everyone lives, but that everyone lives the reality of what they expect." Abraham Hicks

Think and Grow Rich Chapter 3: FAITH

Are you holding steady to that which you believe or are you

This is an undeniable truth! If you hold fast and steady to that which
you are trying to achieve and are willing to go out and 
do what it takes (no matter what) to get it!


".....If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."
Matthew 17:20

Chapter 3: Faith

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Do you have a burning desire to create, to achieve or just to do something? 
You need to have a serious Why in order to take your thoughts
beyond your mind and act on them in the world. In this second installment 
of Napolean Hill, you understand what it means to have a burning desire
and what it means to do whatever it takes. Are you building your mindset for success? 
Are you feeding your mind daily with what it needs to be successful?

Chapter 2 Desire: 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mindset-Think and Grow Rich

Are you developing your mindset for success, if not then you should be......Why? Because you should be preparing your success for success if that is your goal. There is an old classic that is availiable online for everyone online to read but I have just found something even better, free audio so you can turn this on and listen while you are doing other tasks and still benefit from the lessons that it still offers after all of these years!

Here is the link for Chapter 1: Intro


Free Cash Machine vs Freebie Cash System

I discuss these two sites over on IBOTOOLBOX.......I think that the Free Cash Machine was and is still a great intro into advertising and marketing for newbies especially. When the Freebie Cash System came out, it caught fire because of the guerilla marketing techniques and the charisma of its creator. It didn't hurt that he also was the No. 1 earner on the freebie site, ZNZ. I think that all of the techniques taught at both sites can benefit the newbie marketer. Neither has to be done exclusively, but one thing is for sure: you must be consistent and persistent in any and all of your efforts or your work will yield a dry harvest instead of a bounty of riches.

Head on over to IBO to read my new blog:


and if you are ready to be around some like-minded individuals, I suggest you join it also: 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Our Deepest Fear........

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson

This is by far my favorite quote of all time......What is yours?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Imagination----Whats's Possible??????

Laugh Often.......

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

What made you laugh at loud today? I am shooting for these moments daily....How about you?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What are you Expecting?

The majority have been programmed from their past experience to expect physical decline. And while it is something they don't want, they are programmed to expect it. And so, they're going to get what they expect. It's not that what they expect is the reality that everyone lives, but that everyone lives the reality of what they expect.----Abraham Hicks

I am expecting JOY, WEALTH, and SUCCESS! I am surrounding myself with like-minded individuals and letting all others fall away. What about you? What are you expecting today?

You must choose to be a part of the 3%!!!!!

The Free Cash Machine (FCM) and ZNZ(ONE)- Part 1

So everyone is running around and wanting to know what exactly is ZNZONE and the Free Cash Machine. How do you make money with it? Is it really free? Is it a scam? I think that many of us who work on the internet are faced with these questions on a daily basis. The truth of the matter is ZNZONE is not a scam and nor is the Free Cash Machine system.

ZNZONE is owned by ZNZ or ZipNadaZilch. ZipNada Zilch is an incentivized freebie site. If you are unfamiliar with this term, I am sure that you are not unfamiliar with the term "freebie" and I would bet that you have seen those sites that offer a free I-pod or a free Mac for trying this offer or signing up with this or that sponsor. Well, I can also even bet that you thought that those sites were all SCAMS, right?????Well, think again, they are not. They are an actual form of a CPA or "Cost Per Action" campaign (I will cover this more thoroughly in another post.). Basically an advertiser is paying a marketing firm for legitimate leads or potential customers for their products and services. The advertiser is usually requesting and paying the marketing firm for an initial or pending credit card transaction from this new potential client.

Why would they advertisers engage in these type of transactions?
It is getting harder and harder to market and advertise directly to customers. In itsWith the advent of DV-R and Tivo,

The Free Cash Machine is just an advertising and promotion mechanism to help explain the ZNZONE program period. You do not pay anything to join it and you can join ZNZONE directly and just promote, advertise and obtain referrals on your own. The Free Cash Machine will help do some of the work for you (by providing a full, explanatory webinar on exactly what ZNZONE is and how we can make money by promoting it).

Benefits of Free Cash Machine (FCM):
  • It's FREE!!!!!:  You can absolutely get started with absolutely no money!!!! None, Zip, Nada, Zilch!!!!
  • Especially important for newbies, it provides you with:
    • a back office for lead management
    • an auto-responder that will follow-up with your leads (in a systematic way) as well as a selection of capture pages, a control panel and other advertising tools that can help you to build a list and keep in contact with all of your leads. 
  • You will be provided with access to a training site which will provide you with all of the tools and the tips that you will need to get started. There will be numerous suggestions of places for you to think about placing free ads as well as loads and loads of examples of samples ads to really get your juices flowing about how to start. Once you get going, you will be creating ads that will bring in your leads and ultimately referrals. Once again, all of this is provided for free to help you learn how to market and promote the ZNZONE system. It is not mandatory but it can only help as you get started learning how to market and advertise online.

This is not to say that FCM is without its critics. Let's think about that here. Some critics have claimed that you cannot make money on the first day as claimed in the webinar. You can but you would have to be SERIOUS, well disciplined and able to take action immediately. How? Well, usually ZNZ will pay within a 24 hour period. If you signed up, completed your offer (depending on the offer you chose, assuming that your offer cleared.....I will discuss this in a later section) and you were immediately able to gain a referral (like a friend) or someone else, you could be paid by ZNZ into your PayPal account in 24 hours. It does happen. I read through the training site carefully and took my time. I earned within my first 5 days. I had some painful lessons ahead that I will share.

Some people are not fond of the auto-responder, well once again, you do not have to use it and that is just one way to follow-up with your leads and referrals. You can also drop an additional e-mail or give them a call. Nothing is forced on you. This tool is just what is included in the Free System and by no means has to be the only tool that you use.
The Training Site: Some people (including myself) have expressed at one time or another some confusion of what exactly is needed to get this operation up and running. I decided to use my common sense and ask questions later. I was chomping at the bit and wanted to get to the info that I needed right away and that would help me to start the fastest.

What I now know for sure.....(not just for Oprah!)
is that this training site is a smorgasbord of possibilities. It has both mandatory (in my opinion) things that you need to know and optional "be nice to have, maybe in the future" things. It also has complimentary items. If you used your common sense, you will be fine. If you get too overwhelmed, I would suggest contacting your sponsor.

I am a huge proponent of having a mentor/sponsor that you can reach out to so that if you are really unsure, you can ask him or her questions. I eventually did ask my sponsor about some of the items but by then, I was up and running and meeting other fellow marketers who were also promoting the site. Make sure that when you join a program, any program that you have a sponsor or a mentor that you can bounce ideas off of, that you are comfortable with (and sometimes we need to move out of our own way and get the help, the advice or leadership we need from our sponsor or someone else----It critically helps with your learning curve. Get the help that you need so that you can make the money that you want to help. It may or may not come from your original sponsor but get what you need!)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

An Intro to the Freebie World........Enjoy!!!!!

What is an incentivized freebie site and how to get started?

What is an Incentivized Freebie Website?

Incentivized Freebie Websites are sites that work with or partner with big businesses and often, Fortune 500 companies to assist with new or potential client acquisition. Companies in the 21st century are trying desperately to stay relevant and in forefront of customer's eyes and minds. The days of mainly using traditional forms of advertising on television and subsequently cable, is no longer enough. With the advent of DVR technology, such as Tivo, many consumers no longer watch commercial advertisements and skip them altogether. Constantly and strategically looking for ways to continue to acquire new and potential customers, these companies allocate part of their advertising budgets directly to marketing firms to help with these efforts. Some of these firms outsource this work to people like you and me to help with these efforts. As we bring in new and potential customers for these companies, we are paid by the marketing firm. You can be paid in gifts like an I-Pad or with cold, hard cash like I prefer.

All you need to do is to advertise, promote and locate individuals who would like to try a FREE or a TRIAL offer. Whenever one signs up using your referral link, then you will get paid. It is as simple as that. The more you promote, the more you get the word out, the more you will make.You can also get pad daily. If you want to learn how you can make $20, $30 or even more per referral, you can contact me at beyondthepossible@gmail.com or call me at 312-298-9248. My name is Sharon and I am always willing to help you get started.

Want to join me and start promoting your link so that you can get paid. Here are some of the sites that I am promoting right now:

Make $20 per referral: http://ibourl.com/10h1
This link includes the FREE CASH MACHINE which is great for all newbies to get started. It includes a back office, an (editable) auto-responder and tools for lead management.

Just want to join the site directly. I highly recommend Zip Nada Zilch. They are a great company to work for and have solid customer service. Like with any site, make sure to read all of the terms of service and follow the rules accordingly, any questions, please ask:


Want to make more with your efforts, take it a step up and here's one where you can  
make $30 per referral:

How about $40 per referral?

Did you know that some of your referrals will join all of these sites, earning you $20+$30+$40=$90, but wait that's not it, Zip Nada Zilch always runs promotions. For example, this month, if anyone signs up to ZNZ Playstation, you will be paid a $12 bonus, so instead of making $40, you will earn $52. How much better can it get......oh so much, if you are willing to get started.

If you are willing to put in the work, consistently, you will reap the rewards. You may not make it rain on day one but if you are willing to advertise and promote all over the web......online classifieds, social networks, even some offline methods like flyers, posters, etc......you can make some real cash....and the best part (in my opinion) is that you can get paid daily.

If you are waiting for a boss to come and tell you what to do, then this work is not for you. This work is for individuals who are ready and willing to take control and take charge of their own destinies. Are you ready? Are you one of the 1% of Americans who absolutely refuse to give in, to acquiesce to recessionary thinking? If you are one of those elite few, I want to hear and work with you. Let's take control and most importantly, let's go make some money!!!!!

Working Toward Being a Visionary!

"One who is mostly an observer thrives in good times but suffers in bad times because what he is observing is already vibrating, and as he observes it, he includes it in his vibrational countenance. As he includes it, the Universe accepts that as his point of attraction and gives him more of it. So the better it gets the better it gets. Or the worse it gets the worse it gets. While one who is a visionary thrives in all times." Abraham-Hicks

I choose and I am a visionary. What do you or what will you choose?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

When you truly know and believe......

"Every moment of your life is infinitely creative
and the Universe is endlessly bountiful.
Just put forth a clear enough request and everything that
your heart desires must come to you."

~Shakti Gawain

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Some Wise Words from Ghandi

"Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny." ~Gandhi

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Newest Online Adventure- To Engage or Not?

No one could have convinced me that I would be involved and I mean heavily involved in the site I am now in...a year ago. I was not impressed or interested in any type of offer site. They paid too little and involved signing up for nonsense things to earn pennies. Many people raved about these "get paid to" sites but I was skeptical, hesitant and just not interested in giving out personal details and organizing my life around canceling silly offers.

Well, there came a time when I looked at Project Payday. I gave it some thought but decided it was not for me. Then, a big one came around, the $60 money miracle. It was everywhere and everyone that I knew was promoting it but still I was hesitant because I did not want to sign up for multiple offers. Everyone was more concerned with the $60 per referral or the very generous bonuses that were being given out than what the site actually was or why they were doing what they were doing.

Now, several months later, I am involved in one of the sisters to the above mentioned site. The hook for me was that it actually involved learning a system and it only had a requirement for ONE free or trial offer. This concept became attractive because of the education that I learned regarding the new advertising industry as well new skills in marketing and promotion.

Anyone who has engaged in making money online realizes that companies are paying more and more to get their products and services seen and hopefully used by consumers. This reality is all around us if we open our eyes up and look. Advertising is prevalent in society. Billboards and promotions are everywhere. No matter where you look: public transportation, celebrity endorsements (heck, there is no need to be a celebrity anymore.....look at twitter---anyone can endorse if they have a certain number of followers), internet and cell phone advertisements and promotions are at an all-time high. You would have to live in a cave with Tivo, no computer and zero interaction with people to avoid the plethora of ads and messages that are being thrown at us right now at alarmingly increasing rates. So the question for me, became which side would I like to participate on. I am just a consumer or can I also earn or monetize my engagement with this new phenomenon in society?

I have decided to engage. What about you?

Welcome to My First Blog!!!!

I have been planning my first blog for awhile and still learning WordPress but sometimes life throws you a curve to jumpstart you. This jumpstart had to do with having and helping others with  blog posts only to have them copied. Ok, you say, no big deal. Well, it is. It is because someone took the time to create something while someone else just decided to take it and use it blatantly after them. Not only does this thwart this person's efforts but it also undermines them when now the imposter's  "new and stolen" post appears first, engaging interest and basically stealing any hope of a new referral or friend.

So that plus just sheer frustration brings me here, to blog, to post, to laugh and learn in peace. It is funny, because I feel that this place will be the rainbow. We will make lemonade and we will enjoy more, laugh harder and continue on a glorious journey. This is the first blog and it is just the beginning. It represents the first fruits of some of my ideas, my thinking, my laughing and my learning. I hope you enjoy it here and interact with me as much as possible. I love dialogue. Hopefully, we can create a robust and wonderful community of learners and earners.

my friend!!!!
Much Joy to You!!!!